Enstin Labs (EL) is a global engineering services organization, focused on end to end product development, design services, innovation, research, technical training and talent development. EL achieves this by embracing the values of QCDR (Quality, Cost, Delivery & Response)
Enstin Labs Offerings
Engineering Services
Enstin Labs is a global center of excellence for Power Electronics and offers engineering services encompassing various applications like,

Iot & IIoT

Home Automation

Artificial Intelligence

Embedded Products
Engineering services include spec creation, proof of concept, product realization, verification support, manufacturing support & training for service and sustenance.
Talent Development
AdhiPragya by Enstin Labs is a pr agmatic 360 degree skill development programme conducted by a pool of experts from the industries and premier institutions across the world. The programme with key focus in Electrical Engineering, Embedded & Communication Engineering and Mechanical Engineering has been designed with an objective to
- Bridge the gap between Industry & Academia.
- Train the new hires in a company giving them a leap frog jump in their design skills & experience.
- Upskill existing employees enabling them to perform at their full potential.
- Train the R&D engineers in adjacent domains to improve efficiency & team bandwidth.
The Enstin Labs Way
- To provide world class quality products & services to our clients, EL collaborates with industry veterans who have demonstrated product development and related abilities across Global companies.
- Applying the learnings of the EL experts who have a cumulative experience of 300+ years.
- Associating with Quality Design houses with complementing skillsets synergizing their capabilities & representing them to global customers as one company Enstin Labs.
- Focusing on latest technologies in the Power conversion domain like WBG, High frequency switching, advance cooling methods and more.
- Collaborating with Premium Universities and Government research laboratories to conduct advanced research.